Arizona Black Rodeo

Rawhide Western Town & Event Center
5700 W North Loop Rd, Chandler, Arizona 85226
Join us for "Hottest Show on Dirt"
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Last year's event drew thousands of enthusiastic rodeo fans. The event highlights local and national African American rodeo competitors. There will be two shows 1:00pm and 7:00pm featuring bull riding, tie-down roping, steer wrestling, steer undecorating, barrel racing and the crowd favorite mutton bustin' & calf scramble for the little ones.
Round up your family and friends and join us for one of the "hottest shows on dirt." The Arizona Black Rodeo is fun and exciting for the entire family and rated triple "E" Educational, Entertaining and for Everyone.
Advance Tickets: $10 | Day of Show: Gate Tickets $15