Racially Restrictive Covenants on Land: New Legislation and what you can do about it. Webinar
Join us as we dive into the topic of racially restrictive covenants on land in Arizona and the new legislation addressing this issue, which took effect on September 16, 2024. In this program, we discuss the impacts of these historic covenants, how to identify if they are present on your property, and what steps can be taken to have them removed. Our featured guest, Attorney Dianne Post, shares insights on the legal processes and tools now available to homeowners. This event is brought to you in collaboration with the Arizona Commission of African American Affairs (AZCAAA) and the ASU Pastor Center for Politics and Public Service. Watch to stay informed on how you can play a role in removing these remnants of systemic racial discrimination from property records. #LandLegislation #RacialCovenants #AZCAAA #DiannePost #ASU #PastorCenter